A Brief Synopsis

Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, facing more surgery with radiation and possible chemotherapy... I face the biggest challenge of my life. Along with the love and support of my husband, kids, family and friends........... I type these words from my heart to share with you.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hair issues...........

I have my hair appointment scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th.  I had 6 friends and family there with me.  We made a little party of it.  Wine, cheese and crackers, etc.  I was very nervous when I got there.  I immediately had a sip of wine to try and calm my nerves. I didn't know if it would be emotional for me or not.It wasn't, lots of laughs.

I've had long hair for over 35 years so this was drastic for me.  I told Alberto, my wonderful hairdresser, do what you want.  Just make the back really short, close to the head, so when it begins to fall out, it won't be  globs of hair falling out.

I didn't have enough to donate to Locks of Love, but Pantene accepts 8 inches or more.  So he put my hair in a ponytail and cut off my 8 inches.

The cut came out fabulous!!!  I loved it, not sure I can style it like he did, but I loved it!  We all went out to eat afterwards and had a great evening with family and friends.

After my experience with the "wig room" I decided to just wear scarves and hats.  One of the ladies in the infusion room told me about a wig store that was very nice and they took great care of you. 

Since I was feeling so great adn it was a beautiful fall day, I decided to take a drive to the store.  They were so helpful and I found a wig almost exactly like the haircut I had just gotten.  I even took a picture of it on me and sent it to my sister.  I asked her "how do you like how I styled my hair" today.  She said OMG I like it better than the way the hairdresser did it.  I then told her it was a wig!  I went home to show the picture to Bob and he said he liked it better than my haircut too, so I went back Friday to get it!

While I was there on Friday, I saw another one, a bit longer that the one I got.  I am partial to long hair, so I wanted that one too!  Long story short, I went back Saturday to get the long one.  Now I have 2 beautiful wigs I can use when I want to wear hair!  Bob and I have this Ball to go to on November 5th, and originally I was going to wear a scarf, not anymore, I got 2 wigs to choose from.

The timing of getting my wig on Friday was perfect.  My own hair began to fall out Saturday morning. Just 12 days after chemo began.  I knew it was going to happen, but it's still hard to run your fingers through your hair and see clumps coming out.  I cried to Bob for just a few minutes and he said at least you know the medicine is working and it'll grow back.

I'm in the house now wearing the warmest wool hat, it feels great.  My scalp is very sensitive now, so the hat feels comfy.  I want to have matching hats knitted for the whole family to have during the winter if they care to wear them with me!!!

I have alot of appointments planned for next week, so I will have more to update!!!!  Then before you know it Round 2 of chemo will be here on Halloween!!!!   Hmmm, should I go in costume?

I'm feeling exhausted today, both emotionally and physically.  Going to relax this evening with Bob and whichever kid decides to grace us with their presence!!! 

Until next week.......


  1. Mary... can't wait to see you in those wigs, you are beautiful in either. I say YES go in costume on Halloween. Make it interesting ... you might cheer some others up... (you are so good at that)
    Thanks for including me on your hair cut night out.. it was lots of laughs.
    Rest up my BFF... can't wait to see your "woolie" xo

  2. p.s. put up one of our group pics with Alfredo xoxoxo

  3. Mary,

    Great job, as always. Feeling nothing, but love for you and so proud of you as well!

    Hugs and kisses,
