A Brief Synopsis

Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, facing more surgery with radiation and possible chemotherapy... I face the biggest challenge of my life. Along with the love and support of my husband, kids, family and friends........... I type these words from my heart to share with you.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The day after.....

Tuesday, another morning and evening dose of steriods!  Then time for my neulasta shot.  I went in got the shot and left.  I asked when should I experience any side effects.  One nurse said 3-5 days another nurse said within a day.. OK.....Within 12  hours of the shot, I started feeling body aches.  Kinda like flu like aches and pains.  So, Wednesday I was tired and had some aches and pains. Not bad enough that I wasn't able to spend 2 hours at school with parent/teachers conferences!!!! I really haven't had a good nights sleep since Saturday. With all the steriods in me and the aches and pains I couldn't get comfortable.

No nausea, so I happy as a pig in you know what.  Thursday was worse with the aches and pains, still couldn't get comfortable. So I said I'd call the doctor for a sleeping pill Friday if I wasn't able to sleep.  I called Friday, got the sleeping pill, took it and still didn't work!!!  That did it!  Time for my own remedy!

Saturday was a beautiful fall day!  Joey had a baseball double header. I sat for 4 hours in the fresh air.  Walked around abit to stretch and it felt great.  Went home and before bed I had a glass of wine.  I don't know if it was the wine, fresh air, and walking that did it, but I slept 11 hours!!!!  Or maybe too, the steriods were on there way out of my body.....So, note to self:  wine and fresh air works if this happens again.

I then thought I was on my way to feeling better......By Sunday I started feeling like myself again....If this happens everytime, I can do it.  Just one week of feeling crappy and 2 full weeks of normalcy. 

One down 3 to go!

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