A Brief Synopsis

Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, facing more surgery with radiation and possible chemotherapy... I face the biggest challenge of my life. Along with the love and support of my husband, kids, family and friends........... I type these words from my heart to share with you.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

And the radiation begins......

My sister asked me today, how come no posts lately. I told her I wasn't feeling it.  She suggested to have a few glasses of wine and maybe it'll come to me.  So I did!!!  Let's see what this post brings.

Since my last post, I just finished my 3rd chemo.  My last chemo came and went with no problems.  I just needed to wait 3 weeks before I started the radiation.  I had my "prep" radiation appointments, one last week and one this week.  I got my markings "tattoos"...I start my 7 week radiation treatment this Monday the 16th every day for 7 weeks. 

During my 3 week break, I was able to go to Florida for a long weekend and visit my sister and her family.  It was a nice break and the weather was heavenly!!!  A much needed break away from the 4 walls in my house. 

I get so lonely and bored home all day.  I've been out of work since July 1st, and being out of your daily routine and interacting with people for that long gets old.  At least with radiation, it's everyday and I get to see people everyday, even if it's for about 30 minutes. Ask me how I'm doing after the 4th week and my story may change!!!!

There are so many more things to say about how I'm doing mentally and emotionally but I can't seem to put it into words yet.  I first thought I didn't want to post things that were depressing and sad, but this blog is about the emotions that I'm going through. And unfortunately there are good days and then there are bad ones.  So, I'll try not to be so hard on myself and let me be me while I'm on this journey.

Until next time..~...

1 comment:

  1. Lets go to the movies this week. Kyle's traveling but I could sneak away one early afternoon.
    You are a strong woman. My BFF. Love you
