A Brief Synopsis

Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, facing more surgery with radiation and possible chemotherapy... I face the biggest challenge of my life. Along with the love and support of my husband, kids, family and friends........... I type these words from my heart to share with you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I feel like I'm being tested....the longest day of my life.....

The waiting is over.  My follow-up with the medical oncologist was this Friday, September 30th.  I was told to call 2 days before to see if test results were in.  OK....Being persistent and impatient,  I decided to call last week on the 20th, and yes the results were in.  So, I managed to get an appointment for today at 8:15 am.  I was nervous of what the results would show, but anxious to get on with treatment.

We met with the doctor and the results were what we expected.  Right in the middle where it would be my personal decision.  The doctor said she'd give us a few days to decide and Bob and I looked at each other, both of our eyes tearing up because we each knew what the decision would be.  He would say no chemo and I would say yes to it.  I told him I just didn't want to burden him with taking care of me and he said it's my body and mind that has to deal with it and he'd be beside me the whole time with wahttever I decided to do.  So the decision is made, on with chemo!!!!!

Now that that weight has been lifted from our shoulders, let me back track a week. Last Sunday, September 17th in the evening, Bob sneezed and all of a sudden he gets this headache.  Within minutes it's unbearable.  He can't lay down, he's sweating, he's in so much pain it's scares the heck out of me.  So, I tell him lets go to the hospital, he says no it'll go away......after an hour of me pleading with him, I gave him a migraine pill which relieved it abit.  I'm watching his every move, speech, walking, talking, to see if something serious was happening. In the morning he still feels a dull ache, but goes to work.  That whole week he still has a dull headache.  I call the doctor to see if it's normal to sneeze and get such a heacache.  Then I see Bob googling headaches, migraines, brain tumors, etc....which for him to do this, it means he was worried.  He said when he woke up that Monday morning, he literally wanted to die that night, it was that painful!

So, after my appointment this am about my chemo treatment, off we went to the doctor to have Bob checked out.  He explains what happened, and she immediately says we need to get this looked at "stat".  So, off we go to the hospital for an MRI and an MRA of his head and brain.  I asked if she'd call us with results, she said no we're waiting for them and if it's bad we'll need to admit him.

I'm literally scared to death, not even caring about what's happening to me.  That's nothing compared to the thought of something happening to him.  I'm a nervous wreck in the waiting room, waiting, crying, praying to let him be OK. I never asked God why me with cancer, but if something happened to him, I would have questioned him.  After waiting about 30 minutes the results are back and everything looks fine.  I teared up with joy.

So home we went, he's taking a well needed nap and I will keep my eyes on him forever!!!!

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