A Brief Synopsis

Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, facing more surgery with radiation and possible chemotherapy... I face the biggest challenge of my life. Along with the love and support of my husband, kids, family and friends........... I type these words from my heart to share with you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Second Surgery Done!

Friday morning, August 5, 2011, 7:00 am, leaving for surgery......Be there by 7:30, surgery at 8:30, or so I thought.......My kids asked what time I'd be home and I told them "oh, about noon or 1:00pm".....

I get there and forgot about all "the prepping" I needed, so needless to say I didn't go into surgery until 10:45....As the day goes on, they constantly have to ask me what they were going to do, just to make sure they cut the right spot.  So, I rambled the 3 areas they were doing, and added a few of my own, like lipo on both my right and left upper thighs....They all laughed!!!! I tried using that a few times, but unfortunately they didn't buy it.

The surgery went well, but I was a little disappointed that I didn't get the Michael Jackson stuff to knock me out!!!  I got some other stuff that didn't make me feel that great!!!!!  It took me awhile in recovery, I was feeling so sick.  The thought of lifting my head and getting dressed for the ride home made me sick...

I get my results this Thursday, on my 47th birthday, at my follow-up appointment!  I pray for some good news.  It would be the best present I could ever ask for!!!!!

I always underestimate the recovery period of surgeries.  My last one, I was mowing the lawn 2 days after....Not this time.  No one told me how painful removing lymphnodes was going to be.  I can't even move or lift my right arm.  It was a pain I've never ever felt before.  Like a buring hot fluid was dripping down my whole arm.  I had to look quick to make sure nothing was dripping out of me.....It was scary the first few times.  Very tough to get comfortable. 

Today, Tuesday, August 9th is the first day I can somewhat function.  I stopped taking the pain medication they prescribed for me. I've decided to see if extra strenght tylenol worked.  That doesn't bother my stomach, or make me dizzy.  So far so good.

I want to thank Bob, Joey and Lauren for being the best caretakers a wife and mother can ever ask for.  Bob you're so caring and still make me smile, even when I don't think I can.  Lauren, my little Florence Nightingale, you're my angel.  Joey, my young man.  Your big kisses and hugs make all my pain go away.  Don't stop being who you are!!!!  I love you all!!!

And to my family, friends, and co-workers ~ the emails, text messages, phone calls and cards, I thank-you.  They bring a smile to my face.  Makes me feel like my life it normal for those moments.

Until Thursday......

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